The Institute for dietetics in Nigeria (IDN) is the national professional body of Dietians in Nigeria. The Institute was established in 1970 as Nigerian Dietetics Association (NDA) and it existed as such until 2010 when the association was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as Institute for Dietetics in Nigeria (IDN).

Since the inception of the professional association of dietitians, there has been three editions of code of ethics for the observance of members at various times. However, none of the versions that existed before now was published into a document as a regulation.

This edition is the published version of Code of Ethics for members of the Institute. The publication is in tandem with international practice that encourages appropriate codification of code of ethics by national professional dietetics bodies for her members.

The publication is out to challenge all members, registered dietitians and registered dietetic technicians to uphold ethical principles. The Code of Ethics is therefore applicable to all members of the Institute for Dietetics in Nigeria who are registered Dietitians or registered Dietetic Technicians.

When providing services, the nutrition and dietetics practitioner adheres to the core values of customer focus, integrity, innovation, social responsibility, and diversity. Science-based decisions, derived from the best available research and evidence, are the underpinnings of ethical conduct and practice.

This Code applies to nutrition and dietetics practitioners who act in a wide variety of capacities, provides general principles and specific ethical standards for situations frequently encountered in daily practice. The primary goal is the protection of the individuals, groups, organizations, communities, or populations with whom the practitioner works and interacts.

By accepting membership in the Institute, all Nutrition and Dietetics practitioners agree to abide by the Code.

Tajudeen Olutope Ahmed, Esq;FIDN,
National President, IDN
21st June, 2024.

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