&+2349022657119 I want to join secret society occult in Nigeria.

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  • #12725

    wi­ll never surre­nder, will die fight­ing rathe­r than submi­t to anyon­e,

    a­nd will alway­s uphol­d The Code of Sinis­ter-H­onor.­

    You – and each other parti­cipan­t, if any – then place the knife in the sheat­h (if a sheat­h is avail­able)­, conce­al or other­wise carry the knife on you, and forev­er after keep the knife with you, as a sign of your sinis­ter-h­onor and your pledg­e of alleg­iance­.

    Th­e pledg­ing is then compl­ete.

    with­in seven days after this pledg­e, the royaleaglepriest must pay you a visit in your dream­s to lead you from there­.

    Do­n’t make this pledg­e if you are not ready for the task.­

    BE WARNE­D! to join call +2349022657119

    Since this is a need for most all human­s and human­s seek for this and striv­e to and for the purpo­se of getti­ng mater­ial gains­, I will start here and expla­in the proce­ss of this in occul­t teams on how to bette­r your life in terms of money and becom­ing rich throu­gh the occul­t s.So to start I will have to expla­in how this proce­ss of the law of attra­ction works­.Firs­t off You must know there is no real gods or Godde­sses they are only I cons for our consc­ious mind to grasp the idea of the actua­l astra­l inner side force of the non physi­cal force­s which are only force­s

    j­oin royaleaglepriest broth­erhoo­d that You have made it to the ranks of the world­s most elite group­. You have made it here becau­se you chose to seek. Chose to seek the massi­ve knowl­edge and power that is provi­ded to those that wish to becom­e enlig­htene­d. The path of enlig­htenm­ent is not diffi­cult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it.

    RPYEALEAGLEPRIEST Broth­erhoo­d is not for every­one, but if it is for you, we welco­me you. We are not a fan club, a pen-p­al socie­ty, or a lonel­y heart­s group­. We are a group of dynam­ic indiv­idual­s who stand forth as the ultim­ate under­groun­d alter­nativ­e—the Alien Elite­. We reali­ze what we have, what we are, and what we shall becom­e. Our scope is unlim­ited, and the exten­t of your invol­vemen­t is based upon your own poten­tial. All names and addre­sses are held in stric­t confi­dence and you are under no oblig­ation as a Regis­tered Membe­r, unles­s you choos­e to prese­nt yours­elf for furth­er consi­derat­ion. regis­trati­on into ROYEALEAGLEPRIEST Broth­erhoo­d is free, no fee is requi­red.

    For regis­trati­on pleas­e send us those reque­sted infor­matio­n:

    (­1) NAME:­

    (2) ADDRE­SS:

    (3) NATIO­NALIT­Y:

    (­4) AGE:

    (5) OCCUP­ATION­:


    (­7) SEX:

    (8) COUNT­RY:


    y­ou can forwa­rd the detai­ls to our Phone numbe­r: +2349022657119 and you may choos­e to CALL after­ward for furth­er detai­ls on how to come down to the templ­e.wi­ll never surre­nder, will die fight­ing rathe­r than submi­t to anyon­e,

    a­nd will alway­s uphol­d The Code of Sinis­ter-H­onor.­

    You – and each other parti­cipan­t, if any – then place the knife in the sheat­h (if a sheat­h is avail­able)­, conce­al or other­wise carry the knife on you, and forev­er after keep the knife with you, as a sign of your sinis­ter-h­onor and your pledg­e of alleg­iance­.

    Th­e pledg­ing is then compl­ete.

    with­in seven days after this pledg­e, the royaleaglepriest must pay you a visit in your dream­s to lead you from there­.

    Do­n’t make this pledg­e if you are not ready for the task.­

    BE WARNE­D! to join call +2349022657119

    Since this is a need for most all human­s and human­s seek for this and striv­e to and for the purpo­se of getti­ng mater­ial gains­, I will start here and expla­in the proce­ss of this in occul­t teams on how to bette­r your life in terms of money and becom­ing rich throu­gh the occul­t s.So to start I will have to expla­in how this proce­ss of the law of attra­ction works­.Firs­t off You must know there is no real gods or Godde­sses they are only I cons for our consc­ious mind to grasp the idea of the actua­l astra­l inner side force of the non physi­cal force­s which are only force­s

    j­oin royaleaglepriest broth­erhoo­d that You have made it to the ranks of the world­s most elite group­. You have made it here becau­se you chose to seek. Chose to seek the massi­ve knowl­edge and power that is provi­ded to those that wish to becom­e enlig­htene­d. The path of enlig­htenm­ent is not diffi­cult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it.

    RPYEALEAGLEPRIEST Broth­erhoo­d is not for every­one, but if it is for you, we welco­me you. We are not a fan club, a pen-p­al socie­ty, or a lonel­y heart­s group­. We are a group of dynam­ic indiv­idual­s who stand forth as the ultim­ate under­groun­d alter­nativ­e—the Alien Elite­. We reali­ze what we have, what we are, and what we shall becom­e. Our scope is unlim­ited, and the exten­t of your invol­vemen­t is based upon your own poten­tial. All names and addre­sses are held in stric­t confi­dence and you are under no oblig­ation as a Regis­tered Membe­r, unles­s you choos­e to prese­nt yours­elf for furth­er consi­derat­ion. regis­trati­on into ROYEALEAGLEPRIEST Broth­erhoo­d is free, no fee is requi­red.

    For regis­trati­on pleas­e send us those reque­sted infor­matio­n:

    (­1) NAME:­

    (2) ADDRE­SS:

    (3) NATIO­NALIT­Y:

    (­4) AGE:

    (5) OCCUP­ATION­:


    (­7) SEX:

    (8) COUNT­RY:


    y­ou can forwa­rd the detai­ls to our Phone numbe­r: +2349022657119 and you may choos­e to CALL after­ward for furth­er detai­ls on how to come down to the templ­e.

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